From Wilderness to Civilisation

Grass grows quickly and tall in the Wet Season in the Territory. The photos below are the before and after shots of the block. It took nine hours to reduce the grass height from 2.1 m  (yes, 7 foot) down to 7 cm!
  View of the house,

taken with me standing fully upright amongst the over 2m tall grass. The house stands on 3m high columns, hence what is visible here is the upper story only!


View of the front fence line (hidden on left), the bore (hidden in the grass) and the power box.

 <-- Before


After -->

My driveway - just peaking out of the grass.

<-- Then


Now -->

Area closer to the house. The grass in the area in the foreground (before shot) is kept low by the horses grazing.
<-- Before


After -->

And another part of the wilderness.
<-- Before



These photos were taken over Easter (3, 4 April 1999).