Professional Services

My main work is the delivery of a suit of consultancy services in the field of renewable energy, mainly related to power systems. These systems range in size from single house applications (RAPS) through power stations for larger remote communities to major grid connected applications in large cities. The services I can provide for you include:

Site assessments, data logging & analysis
Feasibility studies, business cases, priority ranking
Technology selection
Preparation of technical specifications & tender analysis
Technical project management, commissioning
Post-commission monitoring, data analysis

The technologies I mainly deal with include (but are not limited to):

Flat plat photovoltaics (PV, "solar panels")
Concentrating PV
Wind (small to medium sized)
Solar Thermal
micro hydro
Storage technologies (mainly various types of batteries)
Fossil fueled generators (diesel, LPG)
Hybridisations of all of the above

The consultancy work aims to optimise the choice of technical components to best meet the customer's requirements. The main driving factors include economics, reliability of power supply, greenhouse gas emission reductions, noise and user-friendliness among some of them. My work therefore also includes these sometimes more specialised areas:

Energy audits
Data logging & analysis
System integration & controls
Ongoing supervision & maintenance of systems

Based in Darwin, Australia, I focus my work mainly on the Northern parts of Australia. My consultancy services are currently being provided to clients through the Northern Territory Centre for Energy Research (NTCER), but other arrangements may be possible. Previous experience includes the areas of Technical Services, Protection and R&D with the Northern Territory Power and Water Authority (PAWA, now the Power And Water Corporation). A more extensive CV is available on request.

If you wish to utilise these services on a fee-for-service basis, please make contact by e-mail in the first instance. Please include a short description of what you have in mind.

Professional Services
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Page last updated 15 December, 2002

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